Snippets from the life of a 20 something girl living the big city corporate life...

Monday, August 07, 2006

Nail Cutter!!?

My aunt went to Dubai for a leisure trip. She bought Talcum and Perfumes for mom and could only find a nail cutter for me. :-(
I wondered why on earth did she buy me a nail nails i thought were always neat clean and presentable.

So i chomped away on my ice cream and watched the new Lifeboy Krissh commercial. Then i thought i should atleast take a look at the perfumes.
They were heavenly and so was my nail cutter....

And so am a proud owner of an army knife...though not swiss... but hey Toinks now can i join ur gang too?

Used to so wish to have these and better knives as a kid. Mommy never let me buy any. Actually never got hold of any either...
Thanks aunty...i love your NAIL CUTTER :-)