Snippets from the life of a 20 something girl living the big city corporate life...

Saturday, June 10, 2006

GOooooooooooo Pagal FLyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy


Well incidently this is a very interesting phrase...indicating me to do two things:
a. Go mad!!!!
b. Go somewhere mad...

As a kid i read this book called "Far from the maddening crowd" while that was an interesting read i remember the title the most. Coz thats what i feel every GO PAGAL Go FAR Go Away from the maddening crowd of my busy hectic life here.
Well...talking about weekend getaways...sure sound like fun but how!!!!
The only way u can go to some place worth it from where i live is to FLY but the irony of the life is that my salary flies off faster than i can book my air ticket to fly.
i come back to my dear phrase- GO PAGAL GO AIR GO FLY and Far from the maddening crowd.

Ok to cut a long story short -
People Pagalguy is doing this amazing contest in which u can win Go Air tickets every week. All u gotta do is GO to Pagal, then simply GO PAGAL with ur answers and then GO AIR....

hence i decide to tag a couple of people to do the same... (Abbe yaar rules web page pe padh lena simple hain ekdum - and MBA Junta m sure u will do a good rc there)

## Start of GoPaGaL Tag ##

If your blogger friend has tagged you, follow this link to participate:
GoAir and bring to you the GoPaGaL Campaign where you can win free return tickets to the destination of your choice. Winning is simple, just copy paste this tag on your blog after adding answers to the questions below and publish this as a blog post on your blog! Then head out to , fill in the form and send us your Name and Blog post URL & Finally, tag 5 more blog users and let the world know. Promise! Its that simple and should take you no more than 5 minutes!!
--- Answer the question below ---

Q) On which GoAir Sector would you like to win a free air ticket?
A) Delhi-Mumbai

[ Link (Tag) 4 other blog users in your network so that they too get a chance to win the tickets. Without you tagging 4 other bloggers, your entry will stand disqualified.]

TagI would like to link the following bloggers!(Please include the full URL to the blogger you are tagging)e.g:, etc etc

1. Bhavna-
2. Pratish-
3. Anubha-
4. Apurv-
----- End of Question & Answer ---Now head over to and submit your entry to win the tickets. New winners will be announced every fortnight! :)Why? What? How?This is an unique campaign run by 'GoAir - The People's Airline' and ' - India's largest MBA forum'.
We are giving out over 26 return airtickets over a period of two months!
Join the insanity and find more ways to win tickets at
Visit GoAir - Visit -
## End of GoPaGaL Tag ##


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm confused! :-/

11:40 AM


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