Snippets from the life of a 20 something girl living the big city corporate life...

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Today was an entertaining sunday. We went out for shopping to various malls and shops.
It was fun how there was a huge huge footfall in all those malls, but at the same time the footfalls in the shops were very differntial.
How do u attract the people you want to step inside your store? and once they step inside how do you ensure they enjoy that experience? and ofcourse comes the sales part.

For the first time i felt like a marketer in thought :-D
Thinking i should make use of such observations and make a sort of a porfolio of ideas i keep getting. Never know where it comes handy. Does anyone here have any kinda portfolio? I need to see what formats and how are portfolios done :-)
Dont think Marketing Portfolios are common or rather even make sense, but cant see those potential ideas going waste.

I see a lot of windows opening up - for experimenting. Had this dream of opening up these 5-6 kinda places and in classroom and outside getting some vague opportunities to work on these ideas. A classmate opening a small restaurant in a busy business location so asking me to help on that and similarly more stuff...

Anyway the most interesting thing i saw today was candy colored undies. Well, i did know females are going gung ho about icecream and candy shades on their clothes and eyes (shades) for that matter but to that extent...hehehe
They had shocking pink, oranges and turquoise colored ones, even with polka dots, and also a combi of flouroscent green and white and fuschia.
The important thing to observe was they were selling like hot cakes - some 99 bucks for a pack of 3. Who were buying? Women age b/w 18-25. Highlights the Self Pamapering nature of women these days. They want to be there for themselves and live for themselves. Make themselves happy and colours brings joy ofcourse. Willing to try nething wild or wicked freedom of expression and choice. Not restrciting themselves to the traditionals - breaking free.
Fun to observe how people buy things :-D


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shopper, Marketer nice reverse method haan...candy colored inner wear eye-catching colors well i can only say that itll brighten them ;)

12:10 AM

Blogger Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

Candy colored panties....
If some hot chic undresses in front of me with those, I think I will ROTFLMAO

10:16 AM


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