Snippets from the life of a 20 something girl living the big city corporate life...

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Of Makeovers and all...

No i am not going to write about the biggest makeover ever --- JASSI

But what does one do one she's sick of the way things are happening around her, her way of thinking, her attitude, her body, her style....everything. Its like a feeling of reformatting , rebranding your soul.
Is that like really possible? Can u actually do that? Erase and reformat? Does it really happen in real world or is this another of those shammy things to make a big buzz about and make money outta it?

Adding to the series of things happening to me and around me today went to a family get together. Cousin sis, bro,, bro in law,sis in laws all were standing talking how marketing is the trashy thing and finance is the smart option and what are the opportunitites etc...i kept listening and the dreaded question came to me - so what are you doing these days? And i said Marketing Management! from some god forsaken unknown institute.

Question: What the hell am i doing with my life, my body, my mind?
Answer : WASTING IT!!!

Question: Why?
Answer : No Clue!

Question: If you dream tonight of your future what do you see yourself most happy as?
Answer : Working independant smart successful woman...


Well, i have cleaned my slate completly or so i think and stand at a threshold where i can start with a new beginning. I own nothing that i fear to lose, I have no principals i dont want to give up, I have no people i fear the hatred or dissapproval of...basically

I AM UNDONE, UNTIED, and FREE TO GO wherever i want to ...
Great but,

WHERE ...??? I need to know...Soon very very soon, coz its suffocating here i need to break through


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey just relax let the others do what they want u do what u want to do...just take a break, chill n u r good the way u r just be happy with what u do n life seems better :) take care n dont bother too much everything will get fine :) >:D<

12:15 AM

Blogger Laymiro said...

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6:19 PM


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