Snippets from the life of a 20 something girl living the big city corporate life...

Thursday, September 15, 2005

ok...i wrote a real lousy erased it.

Today i had my few seconds of fame of course as always followed immediately by some equally disheartening ones...but i guess if my happiness is not killed within the shortest times possible, that now becomes a cause of worry.

I topped my class in 4 out of the last 8 exams. Scored 97 in one!!! which came as a pleasant surprise. I was told that for each paper i have topped in i would get a book of my choice! Thats like a dream come true. I always wanted to have my own library of books. I have topped so far in something like 7-8 subjects. People suggest some good books for me to buy. Of course not too expensive ones :-D

Each moment these days passes like a class full of learning!!! Man! and i thought i could relax for a while after exams got over. wonder what i shall reach... no more to bring this to an abrupt end...sowwie!


Blogger AakASH!!! said...

I have missed ro much in the past few days, but i have my own exams, and i think, that excuse should suffice. Would it Naina?

And then kudos for topping so many exams, i for one have never opened my account on this front...:p

So books.. ehh? How jealous I am? But then why dont you get yourself, Rushdie's new venture, 'Shalimar the Clown'! It will definitely be a great read. And if you want to go more classic and fiction of course, then you can go in for Marquezs' 'A Hundred Years of Solitude'.

And once again Congratulations!

11:01 PM

Blogger AakASH!!! said...

And you did not tell me. Where are you studying, or rather where were you studying?

And marketing... ehh? : ) Good good!

11:05 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

whopppppeeee! whoppeeee!! whopeeee!
*does the cartwheel*
*tumbles down half way through it*
*gets up*
whopppeee! whoppeee! whopppeee!!

1:10 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

whopppppeeee! whoppeeee!! whopeeee!
*does the cartwheel*
*tumbles down half way through it*
*gets up*
whopppeee! whoppeee! whopppeee!!

1:13 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! abhi chal party de :D

1:51 PM


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