Snippets from the life of a 20 something girl living the big city corporate life...

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Deja Vu!

Her senses had become too full of HIM. Everything she did reminded her of him, his essence, his presence...rather his absence. She tried to drown herself in the beauty around her, in colours, in air, in nature in everything else to forget him. She thought she was doing a fairly good job.
She set out to the same place as everyday, talking her morning stroll around the beautiful park to absorb enough freshness to beam it well. She had to meet her boss and the super boss that day and waited eagarly.They walked in at the very precise time mentioned, her boss, her super boss and HIM.

She coudnlt believe her eyes, her heart raced, her breath stalled, what is HE doing here?!! It was him, she could see him from a distance, and she walked faster than ever to the room, to grab the first chair on the first table. They all came, and she saw...He was NOT HIM.

She still wasnt content, she wanted to make sure, actually she didnt really know nething that time. She only gazed, gazed endlessly at him. The same face, the same forehead, the same eyes, the same smile, even the hair. He was dressed exactly like he would the same labels, the same colours. His manner so crisp, his smile so perfect. Damn!! she went crazy. Just the skin colour and texture differed. Yea! she noticed all this from that far.

There it all went, all her past efforts, coz her body, mind and heart all reacted like they had done the 2nd time she met him. She didnt realise the "Spark" then, she felt it now. Then he stood up and spoke and with his voice came a grave worry...she must remember he;s not HIM! She must not try to fool herself, she must keep her distance.

She now dreads Monday, the day she starts working in the same team and profile as his. He's with the super boss and she is with the boss.

I pray for her...May God Bless Her and Give her enough resistence. People...what would you tell her???


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmm...scary situation there!!! Would wish her all the best and yes resistant is what she has to be :)

2:17 PM


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